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2003 Subaru Outback Automatic transmission 85,000 miles.

Car: Subaru, Outback, 2003     -    Back to Fix-It    -    Subaru Repair Manuals

Q.2003 Subaru Outback Automatic transmission 85,000 miles. Car was running excellent.
Went to a Jiffy Lube store and had the AT fluid exchanged by a machine. Old sucked out, amount measured by the machine, new same amount pumped in. JL used PZL MULTI-VEH ATF BULK Drove out of store, noticed grinding and shuttering from the front wheels when making right or left turns. Returned to JL they replaced the AT fluid [type unknown] again problem not fixed. JL mgr said take to Subaru dealer. Dealer replaced Clutch Pack, rings, seals and gasket to the tune of $1600. Dealer great, about to exercise, JL Warrantee, expect court action.
What does the JL machine and or the PZL MULTI-VEH ATF BULK to cause this failure?

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Answerwar205, your vehicle takes Dexron III transmission fluid. The fluid they used should be compatible with this. It sounds like either thay did not fill the system to the proper level or the fluid they used was contaminated.
If there was any water or moisture in the fluid then this can happen. It is also possible that the flush caused some of the clutch material to come loose due to age, but if this were to be the case the vehicle should have been showing some signs of transmission failure prior to this.

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